5 Weeks Old 10 Weeks Old. 15 Weeks Old. Heart beating like the clappers and a view of Biik's head and shoulder.
  15 Weeks and clearly taking after Biik's Father The Nasal Bone which, for those medically minded, apparently means something. For us we just hope its not like Simon's Left foot before being sharply diverted to Janet's kidney.....again!
  Biik sucking its thumb. Fortunatly for the camera it wasnt its foot. Thomas finally out and 2 hours old. He had a little cold so was put in an incubator for a couple of days. Thomas 2 hours old with a very odd shaped head.
  Finally asleep!!!!! 2 weeks old Thomas's play mat
  "No i am not bloody well going to sleep right now." "Get these ridiculous clothes off me!." "What the..........."
  "What a comfortable pillow" Yawn.......another photo oportunity.